It is estimated that one-third of the world’s population living in urban areas reside in overcrowded slums.
Informal settlements – self-constructed housing with no formal property titles, planning, infrastructure, or social services – are increasing rapidly. These houses are typically located in hotspots prone to natural hazards such as floods, fire, and earthquakes. Vulnerable to the elements and exposed to crime, poverty is endemic in these neighborhoods. By the 1990s, between 25 and 60 percent of the population in the largest Latin American cities live in these types of settlements. Since then, numbers have risen dramatically and continue to increase.
Project objectives
· Establishing a network of public and private organizations that support informal sector construction
· Offering opportunities to access new markets, improve living conditions, and provide jobs and incomes
Project description
Construya operates in the major cities of Peru and Colombia. It collaborates with the national vocational training institutes as well as private training providers to help them rearrange their portfolio so that it includes course programs for informal sector workers. At the same time, construction companies and material suppliers get invited to use these course programs to reach out to new target groups living in informal environments – by raising awareness for safer construction practices and by offering trainings for informal builders. As a result, it proves that building quality in informal settlements improves, and informal builders earn higher incomes.
2,500,000 slum dwellers have been informed about safer construction methods
35,000 informal builders have received training
15 enterprises have engaged in sustainable training activities
Swisscontact (lead partner)
Servicio Nacional de Capacitación para la Industria de la Construcción (Perú)
Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (Colombia)
Cementos Pacasmayo
SODIMAC Homecenter
Colsa Ingeniería