Music for Social Change
Transforming Lives Through Music

Every child deserves the opportunity to thrive
Our Music for Social Change focus area supports programs that empower young people to embrace their potential through musical experiences, fostering personal growth and guiding them to make positive life choices.
Music for Social Change
Musical collaboration reveals the valuable roles each individual plays in a team and teaches responsibility for the community. Young people are encouraged to apply these lessons in their daily lives, helping them make informed decisions for their future.
By funding and developing international music programs, we empower children and youths to make conscious life choices, becoming independent, responsible and active members of society.
Since 1975, when Venezuela’s ‘El Sistema’ music program was founded, the concept of ‘Music for Social Change’ has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of young people around the world.
We support music programs that provide young people with the knowledge, skills and values to make a lasting difference in their lives and communities. We prioritize personal and social development over professional training as musicians.
Explore Our
Key Initiatives

Grassroot Programs
We support and mentor selected projects that embody the idea of social change through music, tailoring them to local realities. Our established network of programs and specialists helps these initiatives develop into sustainable, self-sustaining organizations. Each project aims to empower young people and provide them with practical life skills that go beyond music.

Academy for Impact Through Music
Working in music for social change requires teachers to exceed conventional education. We recognize the challenge of ongoing impact-oriented staff training worldwide. Through the Academy for Impact through Music (AIM), we aim to equip future teachers with comprehensive tools and strategic support.

Music Bridges
The field of music for social change and the established music industry often remain isolated from each other. However, both can benefit and inspire each other. By connecting these fields, we break down barriers and develop projects that create opportunities, raising awareness of music’s social relevance among a broader audience.
“If I hadn’t realized that there really was potential in me, I possibly wouldn’t have achieved everything I’m achieving now.”
Heidy Ylizarbe Altamirano - Sinfonía por el Perú