Economic Empowerment
Dual Vocational Training in Kenya

Building skills for young plumbers and electricians through dual apprenticeship training
The PropelA initiative aims to equip urban youth in Kenya with sustainable skills through dual vocational education, providing them with a pathway to a better future.
Key Objectives
Provide professional training and coaching for urban youth
Establish a dual vocational education model in Kenya
Collaborate with industry, schools, and training authorities

East Africa’s professional education system mainly consists of universities, but not every high school graduate has the opportunity to go to university. As a result, millions of unemployed young people in East African cities hope to earn a few dollars as unskilled day jobbers, unable to build a decent life themselves. At the same time, companies are in massive need of skilled workers.
The PropelA initiative addresses this gap by offering dual vocational education in the construction sector, focusing on plumbing and electrical installations.
PropelA Project
Building on evidence and considering the perspective and needs of the private sector, the PropelA project succeeded in developing and piloting a functional model for dual VET, where electro- and plumbing apprentices learn skills needed to meet industry standards on the job, in the classroom and in the practical workshop.
Since 2022, the PropelA project was fostering partnerships with 35 companies from the Nairobi area, and providing access to over 200 students to the new dual training, all of which being formally employed under an apprenticeship contract of 2 years. This flagship project is a seminal approach to systemic VET systems development with the leading role of the private sector.
The project focuses on empowering young women and men, aged 18-22, who have completed secondary school and come from vulnerable backgrounds. Drawing inspiration from the Swiss dual apprenticeship system, Kenyan trade experts crafted a curriculum tailored to the local construction market. Accredited by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), the program awards graduates the Master Craft Person III certificate (KNQF level 5).
The young apprentices are trained in technical and practical skills as well safety standards, time management and efficient use of materials and resources. By ensuring they meet industry standards, the program prepares them for long-term career success in the construction sector.
Beyond technical expertise, this project strives to develop well-rounded individuals with strong values and a sense of responsibility. By equipping young people with not just skills, but also moral and ethical grounding, it helps create future leaders who can positively impact their communities.
Project Details
Implementation Phase 2022-2025
Phase 1: Establish and Operationalize Dual Apprenticeship
Building the capacities of the training providers and private companies to implement dual apprenticeship; Developing curricula, instructional materials, further develop trainers and design top-notch workshop.
Phase 2: Secure Public Sector Recognition and Co-Financing
National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) approves the model, companies, schools, and the curricula; Overall financing model to cover the dual apprenticeship training is finalised; Private companies access NITA levy fund to cover the dual training.
Phase 3: Build Enterprise Network Capacities
Building capacities of enterprise networks that seek to jointly deliver the vision of enhancing the overall performance and the quality standards of the industry.
Phase 4: Support Institutional Partners for Scaling Up
Training schools promote dual apprenticeships and enrol new employers as part of their business development strategy; Training schools and associations have the capacity to provide the necessary support to the new employers adopting the dual apprenticeship model.
Swisscontact (implementing partner)
34 leading Kenyan plumbing and electrician companies
Kenya government agencies (NITA)
Kenyan training centre - Don Bosco Boys Technical Training Institute - Karen
Swiss plumbing and electrical experts from Elektrofachschule St. Gallen, Baugewerbliche Berufsschule Zürich and others
This project is funded by the Hilti Foundation with additional support from Geberit International AG.
Project Goals
Vision of change
The ultimate vision of the project is that the young generation in Kenya is equipped with professional skills and competencies demanded by the construction market so they can find sustainable jobs, generate a solid income, and pursue long-term careers. This will be achieved by establishing an industry-led, government-accredited, and certified vocational skills training program for technically advanced job profiles in the Kenyan construction sector. This dual apprenticeship training modality is a cost-effective alternative driven by the private sector as it is anchored in enterprises. It ensures close links between the three training locations: practical training in companies, practical courses in workshops and theoretical classes at training centres. It is a vision where necessary mechanisms will be put in place to ensure sustainable financing by market actors (firms, government, students) and to ensure education plans meet the requirements of a dynamically developing market.
Change how companies recruit and train
The aim is that by the end of the first project phase in 2025, the leading plumbing and electrical installation companies in Kenya have adopted the dual apprenticeship program as the most important way to recruit and train the new young workforce. Financing is secured through the companies mainly but also co-financed by the government. The competence level is recognised by the industry and the governmental training and accreditation institutes. Both companies and training providers have built competence and capacity to educate apprentices.

“Now I have hope for the future, hope that I will get a good job, inspire others and bring change to my community.”
Lucy Kibanda - Electrical Apprentice
Expected Results
200 company coaches and assessors have been trained. 50 trainers of training institutes have been trained in dual apprenticeship.
1,000 young people gain skills for long-term career prospects. All are employed, with at least 300 graduates, while others are in train.
70 leading Kenyan companies are actively using the apprenticeship mechanism for recruitment, training and financing the education of apprentices.